Stop H-A-T-E, It's nonsense!

While walking towards my home, I happened to pass by a crowd bullying a gay. I admit my being cowardly. I began to walk briskly. I tried to look on his face and I could spell out what he is trying to tell me in his eyes, help. I could do nothing, they are bigger than me and they were four of them. So I guess I'll just rant it out through my blog.

Hate. Its there. In every place you look hate is there. Hate not only against Pagans but against mostly everyone. Gays, Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc. Only love will conquer it. Also, I dislike calling it Gay rights. It should be Human Rights. They are Human. We are human, nothing else. The impoverished, and the so called "weak" by the society, like us and people should change and fight (not in a violent or any thing harmful) for our rights. Logo is a channel for the homosexual community. Well, why the heck don't we have one? We need to show people that just because we are weak and we believe in our capacity that were not insane. We COULD fight. And We will show it to the world.

 Now, avoiding hate is easy...Don't listen to it, don't watch it, don't even focus your attention on it for one minute. If you do then you get angry and then your just as bad as the people who have insulted you. Trust me, you might think that just because I'm 19, I don't know what I am talking about, but trust me, I know. I've been ridiculed and mocked by my family and peers just because I was different. Well I am the better person. You know why? Because I have something that they will never have. Integrity. It hurt, yes. It hurt more than the deepest cut. No it doesn't go away. But I know that people love me for who I am and what I do. Look around you. People DO love you for who you are. Embrace the love and the hate will perish.